Tuesday 2 December 2008


Today has been an important day. It was the funeral of my friend Caroline. It was very sad to have to say goodbye, but I feel very relieved to know she is with God in heaven.

I only really got to know Caroline this year when she started to come to our small group. She immediately helped bring the group together and has definitely been a catalyst for our developing relationships.

She was a bright beautiful shining star with amazing style and a stickler for matching underwear! She was strong, brave and extremely honest. She was kind, generous and cared deeply for the people around her.

She brought a lot of laughter to our small group in the time she was with us. She had some slightly obsessive compulsive tendencies which included, restricting toilet roll at home, keeping the cushions plumped and cleaning the skirting boards with the bathroom towels on the way to the washing machine.

When Jacob had his final set of immunisations Mike was unable to come, due to work. Caroline came, she met us in the surgery and distracted him while I held him close. He was certainly distracted by this slightly mad woman, who kept saying she wanted to take him home. I was overwhelmed by her kindness on that occasion and she will always have a place in my memories.

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