Sunday, 7 December 2008

Playing Catch Up

Can't quite believe it's Sunday night already. I've had one of those weeks with lots to blog and no time to actually blog. So I'm attempting to catch up.

It has been so cold this week, but on the whole still, clear and absolutely beautiful. We went to Delamere Forrest on Wednesday with Faye and her puppy Dusty. That is one crazy dog, she is just so excitable. It was completely frozen in some parts, at one point I ended up on my bum. If I hadn't been holding onto the pram, I reckon I would've ended up at the bottom of the hill.

Thursday was totally manic. We walked into town in the morning, I needed to but postcards, which are not the easiest thing to find in Chester. We bumped into a friend whilst on the hunt and following her advice found some gorgeous ones in Paperchase. After lunch we went to see Julia for a coffee and a catch up. Then we picked up my friends two sons Matthew and Jonathan from school. They came back to play for a bit and have some tea. We made pizza. There was some interesting toppings! Jonathan had ham, carrots and peas. I then had PCC in the evening. I'm definitely making progress, there were only about three errors in my minutes for the previous meeting, whoop whoop.

I finished work for Christmas on Friday (kind of, got a couple of things to go in for on Monday). It feels brilliant to have four weeks off work. I've got quite a few plans over the next few weeks, hopefully everything will come to fruition.

I'm totally behind with my Christmas Journal. I have completed ........ 1 entry. How rubbish. I'm determined to catch up and keep up. I've not really been able to do any this weekend, as Jacob's naps have been non-existent. Today however in my determination I made all my numbers for each entry. Hear is a photo. Just in case you thought my photography skills were improving I can confirm this photo was a little bit of luck and quite a lot of trial and error!

Not had anything swap wise, however I've sent some postcards and Christmas cards and some more postcards will be going off in the post tomorrow. I've been a little disappointed by a couple of them as the swap hosts haven't assigned partners and I've had to drop from them, I hope that doesn't happen in the chocolate swap.
We've bought our Christmas tree this weekend. Not quite as impressive as the one at church, but we love it!


  1. Pretty tree. Nice job on the numbers, hope you find some time to "play" more soon. Enjoy your Christmas break! :)

  2. Love your numbers, and your little one is a cutie. Enjoy your time off work.
